Dentro de nada, sin apenas darnos cuenta, entraremos en primavera. Y ya sabéis lo que eso significa... eventos!! bodas, comuniones, graduaciones... Qué tal si buscamos opciones de vestidos para ser la invitada perfecta???
Soon, without even realizing it, we will be entering spring. And you already know what that means... events!! Weddings, communions, graduations... How about we look for options for dresses to be the perfect guest???
Buscaremos vestidos en tendencia y adaptados a diferentes formas de cuerpos. Vienes conmigo de compras???
We'll be looking for trendy dresses that suit different body shapes. Are you coming shopping with me?
Para buscar esta maravilla de diseños he buscado inspiración en Lisliy.
To find this wonderful design I have sought inspiration in Lisliy.
For the younger girls, this flirtatious design in one of the spring colours, sky blue, with that fairy-tale or princess-like air, with a skate-style flared skirt.
En la web vais a descubrir muchos mas modelos de homecoming dresses, para todos los gustos, en una amplia gama de colores, para customizarlo a tu gusto, y a unos precios muy económicos.
On the website you will discover many more models of homecoming dresses, for all tastes, in a wide range of colors, to customize it to your liking, and at very affordable prices.
Cuál es vuestro favorito??? //Which is your favorite one???
Oh, some very divine looks for spring. A co-worker is wearing baby-blue to her son's wedding. Lovely looks💛💙💚